Tuesday, May 3, 2016

All the way my Saviour leads me

All the way my Savior leads me 
Who have I to ask beside 
How could I doubt His tender mercy 
Who through life has been my guide 

All the way my Savior leads me 
Cheers each winding path I tread 
Gives me grace for every trial 
Feeds me with the living Bread 

You lead me and keep me from falling 
You carry me close to Your heart 
And surely Your goodness and mercy will follow me 

All the way my Savior leads me 
O, the fullness of His love 
O, the sureness of His promise 
In the triumph of His blood 
And when my spirit clothed immortal 
Wings its flight to realms of day 
This my song through endless ages 
Jesus led me all the way 
Jesus led me all the way 

This is a worship song by Chris Tomlin. In the past, i used to skip this track whenever it plays on my ipod. But recently, for reasons unknown, i decided to listen to it when it randomly played. And it filled me with sorrow because i realised i have not veem following where God was leading. "Who have i to ask beside" was the sentence that really spoke to me. It led me to think why am i not following the creator of my life when He only has good plans for me. It is my prayer that i start to be more sensitive and aware to God's calling and leading, as i prepare for the next phase of life, one that i truly desire for His stewardship.

Lead me God!